
Riky Boy H. Permata, also known as qBoY has a vision to bring Indonesia get his glorious era back in national and international development. Especially in technology sectoral. Bachelor of Engineering has he got from Trisakti University, majoring Information Technology. Certified professionally makes him has a hope to escalates the technology development in Indonesia.

“Our Humanity improvement should be equal with the technology development”. qBoY made this quote to persuade all of us, to pay more attention with every people around us. We live to care and to share with others. And if each of us would do the good things, that will be a great human welfare in Indonesia. Merdeka!

8 responses

27 07 2009

Tambah semangat nulis for the better Indonesia, ya QB!
God bless you!


27 07 2009

tq kak sisil. kakak juga smangat trus, God bless you too ๐Ÿ™‚

20 08 2009

heheh bagas nehhh.. just start writing

1 09 2009
Riky Boy H. Permata

hehe thx dah mampir gas. your blog really great gas. keep writing.

25 01 2010

Nice work..well this thing inspires me to writing almost 2 years being forgotten..enormous..

26 01 2010
Riky Boy H. Permata

hehe tq mba cha. you must try blogging, you will have a different satisfaction ๐Ÿ˜‰

10 08 2010

wah salah tuh nge-blog rollnya hehe aslinya sekarang bukan lagi tapi ๐Ÿ™‚ yaah pake wp juga sih hehe.. tetap semangat bang ๐Ÿ™‚

1 06 2011
Alejandro Pudjianto

Dear Om Riky…..

Numpang isi buku tamu ya…….

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